
In diesem Angebot enthalten:  /  Included in this Master Set:

81 card Basic Set + CHASE CARDS:

27 The Relationships (1:5 packs)
9 The Opening Montage
(1:14 packs)
9 The Players
(1:14 packs)
17 The Signatures Autographed Cards
(1:13 packs) - Joel Brooks as Robbie - Joanna Cassidy as Margaret Chenowith (Limited) - Michael C. Hall as David Fisher (Limited) - Eddie Jemison as Casket Salesman (Limited) - Peter Krause as Nate Fisher (Limited) - Tim Maculan as Father Jack - Nicki Micheaux as Karla - David Norona as Gary Deitman - Ed O'Ross as Nikolai - Aysia Polk as Taylor Charles - Rusty Schwimmer as Marilyn Johnson - Jessica Stone as Young Brenda - Beverly Todd as Lucille Charles - Julie White as Mitzi Dalton-Huntley (Limited)
zusätliche Autogrammkarten:

- Alan Ball (case-topper)
- Illeana Douglas (dealer incentive) - Marina Black (album exclusive)

sowie aus der "Six Feet Under Expansion Set:"

- Jeremy Sisto as Billy Chenowith - Lily Taylor as Lisa Kimmel Fisher + Card Album
- Marina Black (album exclusive)
P3   Brotherhood (album exclusive)

+ PROMO CARDS P1   Summer 2004 (general distribution) P2   The Room (Non-Sport Update) P3   Brotherhood (album exclusive) --   Six Feet Under (dealer sell sheet)
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